
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7


The Industrial Manifesto!

This is why we fight.

One disturbing trend in manufacturing is that companies can get more return on their investments by buying and selling parts of their businesses. Who makes money on these deals? The C-class does of course. Do the people who depend on their jobs benefit in the slightest? Not at all, though if they are truly lucky and blessed, they may still have a job after the transaction happens. The high and the mighty that control the world of manufacturing are not interested in making things, the only thing that interests them is making money. There is no sin in wishing to make money, but when this comes at the expense of the working class then it is time to act. We must take back control of the means of creating wealth. We must take back control of of the capitalist machines, and we must use them to produce products that will sell at a price that the working man can afford. We will produce in vast quantities and only make the product as good as it has to be. We will not produce Rolls Royces when a Yugo will get the job done just as well. We will not overly tolerance the parts that go into our products, we will only emphasize what is truly important to the operation of the product. Quality costs money, and quality when not required is a waste of money and resources.

Another way to look at the issue of over-emphasis of quality is to take a look back in time to the last great world war. Germany was 6 Sigma for lack of a better term, their machines of war were of the highest quality and produced in small quantities to ensure this standard. They had the best tanks, planes, small arms, etc of any of the combatants in this war. But, did they win? They may have won many battles, but in the end, they lost. The USA on the other hand, produced in mass. Everything that could be produced in quantity for the war effort was - from planes to tanks to ships. And these were produced as quickly as possible.

On thing that is overlooked by c-class individuals is the fact that quality takes time. The tighter the tolerance, the longer it takes to produce the product. Speed is essential to get the product to the marketplace and to steal customers from the competition. Making a product to the highest standards does not always guarantee that a product will sell, especially when the cost of the goods are significantly higher than those of the competition. Often times in the war of attrition that is the global market, the ones who can overwhelm their enemies with the great numbers are the ones who will emerge victorious. And this is the strategy used by the USA to defeat Germany in the Second World War - losses may have been high due to the fact that the engines of war were not of the highest quality, but the volume of them totally and utterly destroyed the enemy. There are many such lesson to be learned from history and yet they are often overlooked because they do not apply directly to conducting 'business'.

Business is war, but many have lost the will to wage it. This must change and we are the ones to bring this change about. We are the ones who are willing to fight for what is right. We are the revolutionaries.

We are the visionaries who look to change the future. We are those who are brave enough to venture into this new frontier. We are the revolutionaries who will bring about this change. The time to act is now. The need for change is now. The Revolution begins now.